Ancor Automotive

Ancor Automotive and Detroit Dog Rescue – A Partnership

Ancor Automotive and Detroit Dog Rescue – A Partnership

An inspiring story By Randy Kolodziejski, Ancor Automotive Launch and Special Projects Manager

Wait.. what?! A tier one automotive supplier and a dog rescue shelter…. together?! You’re probably wondering how we got here? Well, let’s go back to a few years ago. After my parents passed away, I obviously inherited everything and that included their dog, an adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel + Bichon Frise mix, named Toby.  Since I had no brothers or sisters, he was the little brother I never had. We had a wonderful few years together. When he turned 13, life was unfortunately getting a little tougher for him and I had to make a gut-wrenching decision, I still miss my best friend, my little brother.

I was heartbroken and floored for a couple weeks and finally gathered myself and realized I still had things like his toys, unopened food, and other supplies left over. At the time, I knew I wasn’t anywhere near ready for a new dog yet and I didn’t want these things to go to waste, I wanted to turn this sad experience into something positive, I decided to donate them. I was already following Detroit Dog Rescue on the social networks for quite some time and admired them for being Detroit’s first and only “no kill” dog shelter. So, I went to their website to find out how and most importantly where to drop off donations. Come to find out, DDR discourages dropping off donations to their main facility. Makes sense, they are obviously very busy at the main facility, taking care of the dogs and sifting and sorting through all of the donations. DDR actually encourages dropping off donations to any one of their volunteer satellite donation drop off sites. I called one of these companies and asked if they were still accepting donations and they were. A few days after dropping off these items, I started thinking…. why can’t Ancor Automotive be one of these volunteer satellite donation drop off sites?

Unfortunately, the idea fell by the wayside and off my radar but, recently, with change of leadership we here at Ancor Automotive have been trying to expand and encourage our community outreach and I decided to contact DDR and just ask about what it would take for Ancor Automotive to become one of these sites. A couple days later, I came into work and opened my inbox and I see an email from Ashley Webster, DDR’s Community Engagement Coordinator and she said it doesn’t take much, just designate a place to store the donated items until they’re picked up and permission to list Ancor Automotive on their website with our address and contact information. We also are the only ones that offer 24-7 drop off capability with an afterhours drop box. I then decided, Ashley should meet the Ancor Automotive team and invited her to visit us here at our facility in Troy for a meet and greet. We had a great discussion about why Ancor Automotive wanted to engage with DDR and Ashley educated our team on what DDR is about. After that, the rest is history. Our team here at Ancor Automotive is excited about this partnership and we are actively exploring other opportunities to help DDR. If you want to learn more about Detroit Dog Rescue, their mission and needs, please visit them at One day, I will be ready, to welcome a new dog into my life and when I do, I’m going to adopt and I will give one of the dogs at Detroit Dog Rescue a furever home and I hope everyone in earshot of this blog will do the same and if not, please feel free to find us here in Troy, 2360 Bellingham Dr. to make a valuable donation!

in memory of toby